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How to Help Get Justice for Harvey Weinstein's Victims

Updated:  October 12

A quick recap:

For decades, Harvey Weinstein preyed on women, in the workplace and pretty much everywhere else.

Last week, the New York Times exposed his behavior.

Within hours, he apologized in his own way (blaming everything on coming of age in the 1960s and 70s, misquoting Jay-Z, announcing his plan to take out his anger on the NRA, and promising not to disappoint his mom).

Over the weekend, the production company he co-founded fired him.

But it's not over.

His adviser until a couple of days ago, Lisa Bloom, promised “photos of several of the victims in very friendly poses with Harvey after his alleged misconduct.”

Today, writing in the New Yorker, Ronan Farrow - who has done public battle with his own father, Woody Allen, over similarly awful behavior - shared new details about Harvey Weinstein's pattern of sexual harassment and assault, including 3 alleged rapes.

Also today, the New York Times has published more stories, including from Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie.

And Gretchen Carlson (who exposed Roger Ailes' sexual harassment at Fox News) explained how retaliation is common against women who file reports.  Even with his diminished power, Harvey Weinstein's accusers will need defenders.

How to help defend Harvey Weinstein's victims

Update:  Twitter just suspended Rose McGowan's account for her tweets about Harvey Weinstein's sexual harassment and assaults and enablers.  Twitter meanwhile seems fine with POTUS' tweets threatening nuclear war and Richard Spencer's tweets advocating white supremacy.  Join #WomenBoycottTwitter by logging off of Twitter for one day (Friday, October 13).

Urge The Weinstein Company (212.941.3800) to waive the nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) for women employees who report sexual harassment.

Sign Rose McGowan's petition to dissolve The Weinstein Company's all-male board of directors.

Sign Kellen Phillips' petition to remove Harvey Weinstein from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

Tweet at some of the powerful men in Hollywood (like Matt Damon, Russell Crowe, and George Clooney) to ask why they've been silent about Harvey Weinstein.

So far, more women in Hollywood have taken the risky career step of speaking out.  The Hollywood Reporter's Janice Min leaked a recent email from Weinstein to a bunch of his industry friends with a truism:  "If the industry supports me, that is all I need.”  The Guardian just asked 20 male celebrities who have worked with Weinstein for their comment.  Every one of them declined to comment or did not respond.

Call on your member of Congress (202.224.3121) to support the Arbitration Fairness Act of 2017, which would do more to protect women who report sexual harassment in the workplace.

Find resources on reporting sexual harassment in the workplace at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and here and here.

Hey men:  check out these ideas to support the fight for gender equality wherever you work, even if you're not a celebrity.