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Someone Needs to Talk to This Guy's Mom

Where are the parents?

In another sad, scary sign of the times in which we live, Richard Spencer led a bunch of white racists to protest the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, VA.

As a refresher, Richard Spencer is the 30-something, Brooks Brother-ed out bro who grew up in a rich Dallas suburb, attended top schools (including prep school, the University of Virginia, the University of Chicago, and Duke University), and then used all his advantages to coin the term 'alt-right' and advocate for white supremacy.

Sure, the torches he and his friends carried to the march looked like tiki torches from Bed, Bath & Beyond.

But the image was no joke, evoking the long-established intimidation tactics of the Ku Klux Klan.

How to help stop the spread of white supremacy

The outcry over the removal of this particular statue started with Corey Stewart, a candidate for Virginia Governor and the former Virginia chairman of the Trump campaign. He has a disturbing nostalgia for the Confederacy. Meet his opponents here and consider supporting any of them.

Follow the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tirelessly tracks hate groups and leaders like Richard Spencer. The SPLC is watching closely as Richard Spencer plans to embark on a college speaking tour (dates TBD).

Connect with and support Black Lives Matter, the Movement for Black Lives, and other groups working to end racially-motivated violence.