How to Help

If you're like us, your digital life is one big, fast news feed. Some of this news is messed up. How to Help works in the news cycle to connect you with ways to do something about the day's big stories.

That CD With 1600 Free Hours of AOL Has To Be Around Here Somewhere

That CD With 1600 Free Hours of AOL Has To Be Around Here Somewhere

As promised, FCC Chair and former Verizon executive Ajit Pai is working to get rid of net neutrality.

That really important and unfortunately-named rule protects the principle of an open internet, ensuring that all traffic is treated equally.

If it's reversed, internet service providers could create fast and slow lanes. Which lane can you afford?

How to help fulfill John Oliver's every wish

Check out John Oliver's hilarious new primer on protecting net neutrality, including the comment link.

But an even easier way to file a comment with the FCC (which swears that commenters have nothing to do with the fact that its website keeps crashing) is at

Connect with and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Free Press,and Fight for the Future.



In Sickness and In Health

In Sickness and In Health